Publicly Available Resources
Lab members click here for internal lab resources (Password same as microscope computers).
Lab Protocols:
Public Repositories
Microscope control software:
Tools for STORM analysis in Matlab:
General Matlab Functions:
Semi-automated processing for fluorescent in situ hybridization microscopy:
Boettiger, A. N., Levine, M. (2013) Rapid Transcription Fosters Coordinate snail Expression in the Drosophila Embryo. Cell Reports 3, 8–15. MatlabCode.
Perry MW*, Boettiger AN*, Bothma JP, Levine M (2010) Shadow Enhancers Foster Robustness of Drosophila Gastrulation. Current Biology 20: 1562-7. *equal contribution. MatlabCode.
Perry M. W., Boettiger A. N., Levine M. (2011) Shadow Enhancers Ensure Precision of Gap Gene Expression Patterns in the Drosophila Embryo. PNAS. 108(33):13570-5. MatlabCode.
Boettiger AN, Levine M. (2009) Synchronous and stochastic patterns of gene activation in the early Drosophila embryo. Science. 325:471-3. MatlabCode.
Modeling code:
Boettiger AN*, Ralph PL*, Evans SN*. (2011) Transcriptional regulation: Effects of promoter proximal pausing on speed, synchrony and reliability. PLoS Computational Biology. *equal contribution. Markov Models Toolbox
Boettiger AN*, Wittemyer G*, Starfield R, Volrath F, Douglas-Hamilton I, Getz WM. (2011) Inferring ecological and behavioral drivers of African elephant movement using a linear filtering approach. Ecology. *equal contribution. Signal Processing Code to find Environmental Drivers of Movement Behavior
Open Source Projects:
Ongoing projects and some updated versions of previously published code have open source repositories on my Github page.