Monday, 06/22/15

10:00 am – 5:15 pm 10:45 pm – 11:30 pm


  • discussed with Dell again about memory (they make this unnecessarily complicated).

Experimental goals for today

  • check progress RNAi knockdowns
  • purify more RNA for RNAi
  • set up new RNAi knockdown with more controlled


  • sent Alec quote from Dell
  • ordered Qiagen RNeasy kit recommended by SN
  • ordered superscript III first-strand synthesis kit
    • (might be able to borrow a few reactions from Jeff/Steven)
  • Biosearch probes for hb arrived today. Yay! (need to prep some embryos to test).

RNAi experiments

RNA cleanup

remove template DNA

  • first, DNase digestion of template following NEB protocol
  • “To remove template DNA, add 30 μl nuclease-free water to each 20 μl reaction, followed by 2 μl of DNase I (RNase-free), mix and incubate for 15 minutes at 37°C.”

cleanup with Agincourt (Beckmann-Coulter) RNA-clean XP beads

  1. Add 1.8 volumes of beads to sample in 1.7 mL tubes (min sample volume 50 uL + 90 beads)
  2. Mix by pipetting, incubate 5-20 minutes at RT (not on magnet)
  3. Separate on magnet until clear
  4. discard solution
  5. rinse 3x in 70% ethanol (500 uL – 1 mL)
  6. let dry 10 minutes
  7. Elute in >30 uL RNase free water

Quality checks

  • RNA concentrations all in the ~1000 ng/uL – 1500 ng/uL range according to nanodrop
  • running on 5% (2 month expired) TBE Urea PAGE gel
  • also forgot to remove tape. Still getting substantial product trapped in wells. Both RNA and DNA ladder look smeary. (somewhat old DNA ladder, maybe it is also a bit degraded). Still, hard to explain the larger than band smears based on degradation when running a denaturing gel.

RNAi knockdown progress

  • all wells 100% confluent
  • no visible differences between wells yet

Cell culture

  • cells in Schneider’s + 10% FBS are not adhering
  • resuspend 11 mL of confluent cells in Schneider’s without FBS.
  • Add FBS to 4 mL of this mixture (400 uL to 4 mL). Plate cells on 75mm2 flasks and bring volume up to 15 mL complete Schneider’s (with 10% FBS)
  • RNA not ready. Resupended all cells in complete media
  • cells in complete media still not adhering. Hopefully they grow at least and we can spin-down when necessary.
  • plated cells on 18mm coverglass freshly coated with Poly-D lysine, (and UV sterilized) in 12-well plates (~2:45 pm). Low density but workable.

Heat shock experiments

  • heat shocked for 20 min at 36.5C the newly plated Kc cells (after about 1 hour to attach).
  • fixed cells at 36.5C.
  • prepping cells for DNA-FISH. Now in glycerol at 4C
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