progress report


One month ago, April 13, you indicated the following key experiments:

-quantify sog lacZ mRNA levels with one vs. two enhancers
-sna BAC – shadow enhancer X sna-/sna- genetic complementation*
-Hb BAC yellow series.  compare fluctuations in de novo transcripts vs.
stable mRNA levels

What are your top 3 findings during the past month and what are your top 3
goals for the upcoming month?


*yesterday you showed an embryo that expressed snail but with poor
invagination of the ventral furrow.  do any of these embryos show a more
normal furrow?

Hi Mike,

Here’s my progress report:

*Poor invagination of the ventral furrow:
(Yes, some of these do invaginated normally.  Some ‘unlucky’ embryos (with too much variation perhaps in local snail?) do this pit thing.  We’ll address this more in our detailed analysis of snail with Jacques.

1) Quantify sog LacZ (see manuscript I sent on Friday)
2) snail BACs -shadow rescues (data will be summarized in a 2nd manuscript on repression of snail).
2) Hb yellow series: I have a nice comparison at the 2.25 hr time point (cycle 13 to cycle 14, for which I showed the data on Friday).  I measure effects on levels and variation, I still suspect the variability to be of greater fitness consequence, but getting the wrong levels may have additional fitness penalties.

1) in 6x and 1x bcd compare peak levels of mRNA
2) collate observations on snail repression (including BAC genetic complementation minus shadow data) into new manuscript.
3) get feedback on new shadow manuscript describing sog data and a model for heterogeneity vs. levels.

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