9:00 A – 3:45 P, 8:00P – 9:50P, 10:50P – 11:45P
- Finish ON confocal of MP08Hz_snaD_b rescues
- ON dotfinding of MP12Hz_snaD was computed on single channel only. Need to repeat.
- Write to Banff participants about carpool (Mary, Gregor, Narendra, Brian). Need to book tickets.
- Write to Xiaowei about fellowships.
- Odd NaN error in DotFinder running on MP12Hz data — results from blank channel / no dots. Only plotting z-profile creates error.
- Curate s07_MP06Hz_b and _c data (check individual slices).
- Two threshold hypothesis for snail.
- Imaging sna2.8 30C hets for sim evidence of sim bistable boundary