10:00 A – 10:30 P
- Lab meeting (Doory)
- Fix alignment of 750 laser with Colenso’s help
- Freeze Bcd-GFP and eve-GFP bottles.
- NuGru presentation (Andi)
- Working on snail manuscript supplemental figure captions
- Download ModEncode data for H3K4me3 and H3K27ac
- Etch and mount new slide of Psc K4 stained embryos for STORM (6:00P)
- O/N STORM imaging of Psc K4 (after 2 calibration runs. Started at 9:00P).
- O/N PCR to clone Hox enhancers and Hox introns (13 reactions)
- Retransform DH10alpha cells with Taf and Tub ligations (14 uL of cells + 5 uL of ligation reaction). Recovered in 200 uL SOC for 1 hr.
- Plated 60 uL of cells on Amp plates with 60 uL IPTG 60 uL XGAL preabsorbed. Spread with glass beads.