9:45 A – 7:00P, 9:30P – 11:45P
- Need new collection cages
- FISH + K27 on O/N embryos day 1
- Flipped 3x Mat Gal4 cages.
- Running Z-calibration analysis on Suz647 data (with Quadview)
- Collecting new z-cal bead data in 512 and 256 views with 200 nm beads
- Collecting new z-cal bead data in 512 and 256 views with 100 nm beads
- Collecting bead fields with 200 and 100 nm beads. mulitple fields to compare effect of field choice / quantify reproducability of calibration curves.
- Working on snail dynamics manuscript (references and figures)
- Changed presentation of mRNA noise in other system (fig 3).
- Flipped collection cages for new O/N collection (11PM).
- Collecting virgin 3x Mat Gal 4 (only 1 fly tonight. 4 bottles back at 17C).