9:45 A – 5:00P, 10:00P – 12:25A
- Finish O/N confocal run of slide 3 (Tub + Antp)
- Copying data from Alistair6 to Alistair5
- Lab meeting (Wenqin)
- Troubleshooting issue with Steve output – not perfect linear relation between microns and pixel measurements.
- Analyzing snail promoter data (see post).
- resend message to Mike about kinetics paper. Proposed new title.
- Working on fit-beads to color different rounds of bead sets differently.
- Running data analysis on hox loci STORM data from 8/4 and 8/5
- Tuck is throwing errors when trying to run insightM from Monet//Alistair6 at final data writing step. Attempting Insight Micro. Also gives same error.
- Try non-3D (many fewer beads being found by 3D).
- ML promises paper feedback by tomorrow.