9:30 A – 9:00 P
- sectioning 6/25 sample 10: E(Pc)-dig, en-bio, H3-750, K27-647.
- writing figure text for snail promoter/enhancer manipulations
- First coverslip of S10 most sections adhered to coverslip before chloroform treatment. may not be fully flattened.
- 4 coverslips cut, 70 um of sample.
- Test on Turnkey looks great for E(Pc), en, and H3K27.
- send STORM analysis scripts to Jeff
- Jeff working on converting Insight C code for image rendering into matlab .mex file.
- Contact BIRS about proposal update
- Finish sectioning early, stop session at 4p (trying to finish writing figure explanations today!)
- Sent 3 figures with text descriptions on snail promoter and enhancer manipulations to ML&ML.
- Starting z-calibration analysis for 08/25/12 data (AbdA).
- Running data O/N on Tuck PcGFP & AbdA