Monday 02/04/12

9:45 A — 6:30 P, 7:30P – 12:50 A


  • Implementing new method to compute z-calibration curves. See my saga of posts on the subject. Here’s the most recent post (with the least descriptive detail).
  • Integrate new z-calibration computation method into STORMfinderBeta
  • Somehow when I use the new z-calibration curve to refit the bead positions I get a perfect match without having to redo any alignment just doing tilt correction. But when I let insightM use the new parameters to fit z it screws it up (worse than before). Maybe some of the parameter values are crosswired.
  • No, I think it must be something to do with the fact InsightM has a flipped definition of z. My z-cals and it’s z-cals seem to be opposite. Need to find the right spot for this minus sign…


  • Recommended by NF: NatureMethods: Proximity ligation between DNA FISH probe and antibody to detect cell specific modifications to chromatin locus.

Fly Work

  • collect 2x mat alpha-tub virgins
  • flipped bottles of Sp/esc2 x Df/CyO,esc[6] crosses. First bottle will be ready to move to virgin collection by mid week.
  • flipped and moved additional bottle of 2x mat alpha tub to virgin collection
  • flipped Pc1/Tm1 stocks into new common bottle with extra yeast paste — hopefully this stock starts growing up soon.
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