Thursday 02/07/13

9:30 AM – 8:30P


  • Finish O/N STORM imaging
  • Pc-488 not bleaching well. Maybe 750 will be better.

Fly Work

  • Esc virgins emerging — collecting. some non-Sp (Df/esc[2] — it’s okay). No males yet to score phenotype
  • AM collection 2x mat alpha tub virgins * SCM shRNA line ready for embryo collection cages!
  • rescore recombinant crosses with more embryos. 1 possible hit to recross!
  • Cleared sim[D] and espl[D] bottles for virgin collection for confirmatory checks. Should also make espl,sim/TM6b stable lines with the 3 candidate stocks.
  • Moved SCM shRNA F1s to collection cage
  • PM virgin collections. No males yet for Esc mutants

MS review

  • Finish requested review
  • review my review
  • submit to journal website


  • strip simulated annealing from STORMfinderBeta zcalibration (use new wx-wy crossover leveling). see post.
  • fxn_rebuild_mosaic crashes Monet. Should rewrite this to do the assembly more intelligently.
  • seeing if I can get the default function call of figure zoom to display in the editor, where I can build off it, instead of just overload from scratch.
  • — The zoom buttons toggle zoom mode on and off e.g. zoom on. Can also get current axis xmin and ymin. We’ll see how this goes.
  • Wrote MosaicViewer.m, a stripped down version of fxn_rebuild_mosaic.m that uses a lot less memory.
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