Thursday 10/31/13

9:30a – 10:00p


  • Stop O/N STORM of E12: 630 kb G
  • transfer data to ProBox 4
  • Running out of disk space again. Order 2x 4Tb HDs
  • Set up O/N STORM G9 (75kb B)

Rowland Inst (10a – 2:30p)

  • Seminar
  • meetings with fellows

Ph simulations

  • with Ph-flag levels > Ph, can we explain the size distribution?
  • cluster size distribution has a strong tendancy to form discrete peaks (probably due to the discrete geometry of the situation.
  • what if ultimate cluster size at a particular chromatin locus is limited by availability of H3K27me3 histones?

STORM analysis

  • Analyzing F06 dots. very interesting. Need to do RNA and DNA separate stains for Y regions.

STORM data processing

  • SplitDax does this weird thing where it skips most of the movies (just prints size 0). Rerunning it (especially rerunning from a new QVDax folder with jsut the storm, it actually runs correctly.
  • This movie splitting is actually a real pain. Should definetely try to get Hal to write out separate movies.
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