STORM2 dye and buffer testing
optimizing buffer conditions for deep 3D imaging of A647 and A750 labeled chromatin
First buffer
- 750 and 647_storm_0001 – 0004
- 1/2x BME (new)
- 2 mM COT (new, reg strength)
- 350-380 mW 647 laser (2960 mA)
- 2100 mA of A750
- 1% 561 laser (35 mW) for 750 imaging
- up to 3% 561 (35 mW) for for 647 imaging
- A750 switches dark quickly, (this makes getting good conv images difficult)
- beads stay alive easily throughout imaging
second buffer
- 750_G1_storm_0005
- 0.2 mM MEA (1-2 mM is standard)
- 2 mM COT
- 2200 mA of A750. Increased to 2350 mA (~max power)
- 3-4%
- A750 switches dark quickly, (this makes getting good conv images difficult)
- 540 beads not very bright with 1% laser power. Up to 3% laser power to see
- beads bleach much more easily
- A750 MUCH brighter. More switching (or at least detected switching too).
- A750 very responsive to 405, clearer response.
- A647 defintely much slower turning off, even at 500 mW.
- suspect more A647 dyes bleach without being detected in this mode.
- A647 also seems less responsive
- Overall though this seems to give better image pairs.
Sample observations
- lots of A647 spots on slide F11 don’t have 750 counterparts. G1 looks better. Labeling balance between dyes not so good…
- Maybe P3 / S3 is worse combination? I think it is worth trying out other Primaries.
- F11 A750 spots stained without A647-P1 look great in conventional imaging (undetectable on most cells when stained together).
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