Tamara Broderick: Stats Seminar, Feature allocation

Feature allocation, probability functions, and paintboxes


  • unsupervised learning
  • canonical example, clustering
  • what if objects are a part of multiple groups?
    • feature allocation
    • each group is now called a feature not a cluster
  • Assumptions
    • exchangeable
    • finite number of features per datapoint (can’t have more animals than pixels in photo)
  • Definitions:
    • exchangeable partition probability function (frequency of features, exchangeable since the order doesn’t matter (cat/dog/mouse, mouse/cat/dog).
    • feature case: chose features in proportion to their occurrence frequency.
    • function of the number of data points as well as the frequencies of the features
  • does every feature allocation have an exchangeable probability function? No
    • Counterexample: not all feature sets with same number of data points and same number of features per data point have same probability.

Kingman Paintbox

  • start with unit interval (1D), partition at random (countably infinite elements).
  • draw randomly from this interval. If they are in the same partition, ID them in the same cluster
  • so this is clearly an exchangeable partition — can reorganize the roles.
  • Reverse is also true, if you have an exchangable partition, there is a corresponding partition interval (paintbox).

Add a twist: (feature paintbox)

  • what if groups aren’t necessarily mutual exclusive? subintervals can overlap.
  • so a uniform random draw can intersect multiple features.
  • changing the order of the data points doesn’t matter (they came from a uniform random draw)
  • The reverse we prove to also be true — for every feature map, there is a corresponding feature paintbox
  • draw K Poisson. For each K draw a frequency of size q Beta distributed frequency size.
  • How to allocate features for the Indian Buffet problem?
    • sizes of sub-boxes are determined by their frequency
    • what about their overlap? For every combination of feature 1, there is a dependent and indpendent fraction. For every combination of feature 1 and 2, there is a feature 3 overlap and non-overlap fraction.

are feature frequency models and EFPMs the same space of distributions?

  • Yes all EFPFs can be represented by a feature frequency model and vice verca.


  • feature paintbox is a characterization of exchangeable feature models
  • Discussion of different classes and overlap of clustering/feature models exchangeable clusters

How do we learn a structure

  • most popular unsupervised approach — K-means. (easy, fast, parallizable)
  • Disadventages: only good for a specific K clusters.
  • Alternative: Nonparametric Bayes
    • Modular,
    • flexible (K can grow as data grows),
    • coherent treatment of uncertainty.
    • not efficient on large data

MAD-Bayes perspective

  • Inspiration
    • finite gaussian mixture model.
    • start with nonparameteric Bayes model, take a limit to get to a Kmeans like objective.
    • kmeans — assign clusters to cluster centers, minimize distance to cluster centers.
    • definitions: kmeans objective is the minimization of the euclidean distance.
    • Approach: assign all data points (in parallel) to one of K clusters, measure distances. Iterate and minimize distance.
  • Our model
    • not just learn mean, but learn full probability distribution
    • Our objective: Maximum a Posteriori distribution: maximize probability of parameters given data.
  • analogies:
    • Mixture of gaussians, k- means
    • beta process – learn feature maps (?)
  • example: each feature is a sum of Gaussian bumbs.
  • if each data point belonged to one and only one cluster this returns k-means
  • Algorithm
    • assign each data point to features
    • create new feature if it lowers the objective
    • update feature means
  • example problem: pictures of objects on tables. Want to find features (ID items on tables).
    • MAD-Bayes faster
    • get closer annotation, can get perfect match all objects correct and correct number of features.
  • what are we giving up?
    • don’t enforce size distribution type
    • don’t learn full posterior model. Don’t get systematic treatment of uncertainty.
  • parallizing
    • challenge, feature choice for each data points depends on current options of features.
    • chose from current list, update in next step from all new created features.


  • why do we care about getting the right number of means?
    • alternative just chose something bigger than what we expect and not worry about the ‘dust’ of small things that get assigned their own clusters.
    • reply: sometimes more aesthetically appealing not to cap. species discovery — get common ones first, have to look a lot to find infrequent ones.
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