10:00a – 11:00p
- imaging F04F03 samples
- finish staining / washing B05 + new F03-F04 no secondary, F05-F06 no secondary (see labels on wells)
cell staining
- Prep 12 new 18mm coverslips for staining
- Prep 3 new 40 mm coverslips of cells.
- 1 of 3 40 mm coverslips all cells detached after LN2 step.
- stain F03-p1 + F04-p3 (check this), no secondaries, on 40 mm coverslips.
- stain F05-p1 + F06-p3 (check this), no secondaries.
- stain B06 and B07 (probe prepped yesterday).
- 40mm coverslips staining 40uL hybe mix + 3-4uL probe, inverted on a regular coverslip and sealed just on 2 edges.
- working on Progress Report for Damon Runyon (see googledocs)
project 2
- see notes