Tuesday 03/20/12

10:00 A – 8:00P, 9:30P-10:30P

  • In situs day 1
  • Flip fly cages, 10:30A
  • Attempted sodium borohydride treatment of half of samples.  Left sealed on shaker — vials exploded, rocket off of shacker from underneath tin foil cover half way across desk.  Samples lost.
  • Continuing with remaining embryos.
  • Stain MP09 with y-int dig. y-full bio.
  • Stain wt with E(Pc)-dig, en-flu, tou-bio, see if we can recapitulate earlier staining.
  • Fix more MP09 embryos, stain with Bcd 2 hrs.
  • stain PcGs.  Co-stain later with K27 and K4 as comparison and control.  Try to get early embryo time series data (embryos are 45min – 4 hrs old).
  • Working on ACS app
Coding Drift Correction
  • working on drift correction.  Fixed data output bug, just track position from fread using count output and advance to next frame with fseek.
  • Attempting to drift correct seemingly blurred 647 channel from Hb data.  Channel only looks blurred using multi-emitter fitting (perhaps single emitter not enough localizations to tell, but this is still a bit weird).  More weird, even at 750 frames a batch the individual sub images still appear smeared in x, but the total drift is actually small.
  • single emitter fitting not dense enough to provide good fit — should have a parameter for this, if correlation is not good enough integrate longer or give up fit.
  • Discuss drift correction with Hazen:  Should fit 2D Gaussian to 2D cross-correlation peak and use the max of that, rather than the max pixel.
  • Hazen has python script to do drift correction from molecule list *_list.bin files.   Should be able to call this from matlab.

Image analysis

  • Attempting to run GPU analysis from Tuck on Alistair3b hard-disk connected to Monet.
  • Setup to run Insight on Tuck from data drive connected to Monet. Runs a bit slow by executes fine.
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