9:50A – 7:15P, 9:00P – 10:45P
- check nascent transcripts of AbdA (red) and Antp (green) on yw and Pc O/N short-fix embryos. No obvious staining on turnkey.
- Should check 6/11 embryos as positive controls and 6/25 embryos to see effect of long-term methanol storage:
- Probe test transcripts clearly visible. Further inspection 6/25 slides do have decent transcripts: also confirmed in sections. Substantially less bright than probe tests, background substantially higher. Might be post-fix GA treatment adds background. Might also be substantial antibody loss.
- Whole embryos (after postfix?) from 6/25 do show clear nuclei detectable in 647 from H3K27. However sections don’t — nuclei are primarily voids. Very different from previous images of directly labeled K27 with Psc (see lab notebook images). Need to increase the K27 antibody concentration.
- Organizing references for snail bistability paper / intro.
- Fixed all duplicates in Mendeley Library
- sectioning yw Su(Z)12 H3 AbdA/Antp stained embryos, demonstrating for KE how to pick up sections on coverglass (should solve substantially non-flat problem. Might change etching rates?
- STORM imaging of Antp H3 and K27 from 6/11. K27 stain too weak suspect problem with antibody. H3 somewhat weak, probably buffer run-down.
- Finish embedding DNA FISH embryos. At 70C, 10:00 PM
- Flip collection cages 10:15 PM
- Revisions on dynamics paper back from ML. Need minor edits and format changes, check against Nature Methods guidelines.