9:45 A-5:00P, 8:00P-9:45P
- Write to TRiP about Pc cross to 3x mat Gal4 outcomes (see previous post).
- Running analysis of Dfd dataset.
- This dataset seems to run out of memory and freezes matlab.
- Should upgrade RAM in Monet.
- Literature review:
- new Ma paper on Bcd bursting
- Review on sister chromatid epigenetics
- Fixed RAM issue for the moment by adding optional compression factor in fxn_rebuild_mosaic to downsample. Sadly matlab does not support sparse uint8
- Analyzing K27 structure throughout time using 41 images from AbdA AbdB dataset (see post)
- Start Analysis of snail promoter data from last week. Need to sort out repeat images from the plethora of stack acquisition errors.
- Set up O/N confocal of m106 (ThsPr minus proximal). 16 embryos, 2 color (488 /m8 no good) speed 6. All obviously mutants except for one obvious control (ThsPr minus proximal does not produce wildtype like rescue embryos).