10:15 A – 12:00A
- Admin stuff: Nstar application faxed. HHMI benefits sent to old address, can get canceled and resent after 30 days.
- break down STORM4 run.
- Organizing snail data
- [spreadsheet 0AjSqkxgziU1YdGxMQnMtd0ZXaDhDY09BbHY2SmZqX2c sheet=1 602 602]
- Fixed bug and got sample code to run succesfully on cluster. Permissions for tracking.c need to be executable.
- Recording simulation outputs of snail bistable for figures (see post).
- Doing burst, then complete diffuse, then plot makes images more homogeneous than experiment or the appropriate reality simulation. Should find some way to correct for this. Try plotting before most recent diffusion?
- Focused analysis of sna vs sna-yellow data (see post)
- etch centromere STORM with H3 and Dm01 counterstain (sample C from last batch of embedding). No centromere staining visible anymore 🙁 (20 min etch in fresh sodium ethoxide)
- etch old centromere stained embryos. 20 min + 20 min + 10 min + 10 min.
- STORM imaging old centromere stained embryos. DNA FISH works, good switching. However most embryo positions have substantial amount of resin (bright poorly switching resin).
- Investigating alternative etching media with Colenso’s help. Maybe sodium periodate?
- setup O/N confocal run of MP10Hz (5/22/11), only Hz sample in records. Lots of unimaged embryos remain however, yay good staging and no-counter selection. However sample does have unusual amount of 555 background spots. Fortunately we’re more interested in the y-bio-488.
- Manual selection find a couple decent etched embryos for centromere imaging. Still this will be much better with some histones and a nuclear mark.
- should try cutting more K27 cntrl and Pc-647 cntrl to image. Try to get better range of ages.