Friday 02/15/13

9:30 A


  • Finish O/N run
  • crashed hal when computer memory filled up. Need more external harddisks!
  • Should do a test run on if we can save data on the fly from Hal over the network straight to Monet. Still probably can’t write to a drive that Monet is currently using for analysis.


  • fix color contrast for 3D so that the sum of all layers in channel is not saturated
  • fix colorbar
  • incorporate MosaicViewer into STORMrenderBeta
  • Fundamental rendering now active in STORMrender




Notes on color contrast during display color Z

  • contrast appears higher since we compute a contrast correctly for all pixels at all heights in the given channel, but we apply that mapping in imadjust to each Z position independently mapping something [cmin cmax] to [0,1] so some pixels still get sent to max brightness at all Z, and these add up to a lot of white and a lot of brightness.
  • Quick fix implemented: Now instead of mapping all these channels to [0,1], we map only to [0,1/Zs] or [0,1/sqrt(Zs)].
  • Though the more accurate way to do this is to compute for each z-slice in each channel, the fraction, znorm of total intensity which comes from that slice, and map to [0,znorm].
  • New alternative approach: normalize by mean intensity of the z-section relative to all sections. Also make sure this number does not exceed 1 for any individual section znorm = min(1,mean(thisz(:))./mean(allz(:))/(.5*Zs));

STORM analysis

  • BX-C 2 color data was taken only in 2D. (problem with not doing 3D bead calibration first!)
  • Fab7 A647 Pc-750 running DaoSTORM O/N.

Fly Work

  • moved all emerging F1 test crosses to MAT alpha tubs to 29C. This way F1s emerge at 29C and start crosses at 29C.
  • Flip these vials tomorrow morning
  • collected Esc/esc, Mat-alpha tub, and Da/Gla x Esc[6]/CyO virgins
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