9:45A – 5:00P, 8:00P – 10:00P
- Exploring parameter space of site-interaction-number models.
- Bursty regime:
- fraction of time in the transcribing state is low
- Transcription rate in the on phase
- fraction of time in the transcribing state is low
- cooperativity noise
- Most obvious at low induction
- In general appears to require low noise
- Need to have some weak basal transcription so noise doesn’t kick up towards infinity at low induction
- mRNA decay needs to be slow. — this also keeps the low mRNA number / stochastic decay noise down.
- Can get good evidence of cooperativity noise in the bursty regime. Just not in the short-lived mRNA regime.
- enhancer increased transition rates — should be kb+km, not just km.
- Working on figures to illustrate states.
Banff workshop prep
- Reminder emails to invited participants Banff
- Pretty good reply rate. Should send out next round tomorrow.
STORM Analysis
- Running Ph-FLAG and PhM-FLAG round 1 STORM analysis
- Set up O/N DaoSTORM analysis of 512×512 Fab7 STORM data
- implemented multi-version support for STORMfinder and its daughter GUIs