9:45 A – 8:00 P, 9:30 P – 12:00 A
- Send notes on sog data to Mounia
- Training on Qbit. Important point: measure samples between 2 and 2.5 minutes after mixing in reaction dye.
STORM Analysis
- Manual analysis of Fab7 data
- almost 2x total localization in 3x cy5 compared to 2x cy5 (background not getting washed out).
- 405 depends more strongly on interaction between both dyes. Should look more systematically at total counts.
- quite a few bulk non-punctate objects. off target background junk?
- Data did not save correctly! Need to repeat! 5 hours wasted…
- repeated analysis.
- Need to update STORMrender for arbitrary sized images…
OligoPaint probe making
- set up 10 mL PCR of 100 kb yellow locus using 1 uL (of diluted 15 ng/uL) emPCR product
- set up 10 mL PCR of 100 kb blue locus using 1 uL of 16 ng/uL emPCR product.
- precipitated product. Kept 40 uL of each in 4C fridge for diagnostic gel and Qubit reading (do in parallel later).