9:30 A – 7:45 P, 8:45P – 11:55 P
- Running out gradient gels (one at a time)
- hotter is better with mis-priming. using 20 bp PPT primer and library specific NP primer:
Check Ph stains
- booked confocal 11A-12P
- Confirmed that wt-Ph-FLAG is substantially cytoplasmic
- Analyzing data
- see notes
Discussion with Nicole Francis
- should send images from Ajaz joint project
- need to catch up on literature: see latest from van Steensel and Bickmore
- # Order more primers
- Placed PO orders
Project 2
- Team discussion (notes)
- troubleshooting code (notes)
Banff Conference
- Sent inquiry to Wynne Fong about whether participants have recieved invites yet.