4:00p – 6:30p
(420 regatta day)
- Turned splitQVdaxFast into a function. Overwrote splitQVdax original, made that file into splitQVdaxM (for mem-map).
- overall it looks like memory mapping dax files is a bad idea. They are too big.
- Running new splitDax on 647 and 561 dual-channel acquired data for Ubx and AbdA. This is pretty slow, limited by read/write speed to read and write 500 Gb of data.
- currently running 100 frames load at a time. Should run tests, see if it runs faster or slower if we do 1000 frames at a time.
Review editing
- change all references to equilibrium conditions to steady-state conditions (equilibrium implies lack of energy transfer, which is definitely not the case when mRNA is being produced and degraded at balancing levels).
To do
- Ph project: re-analyze data to add scalebars in figure for Ajaz
- Organize data for Brian into figure panel.