RT reactions
background prep for RT reactions
- resuspended common-P1 at 1000 uM concentration
- 405 primer from Invitrogen not arrived yet
- compare superscriptII to superscriptIII in yield
- superscriptII protocol
- superscriptIII protocol
- 85 bp 1000 ng/uL ~ 35 pmol per uL = 350 pmol in 10 uL
- dilute common-P1 working stock 1:10 for 100 uM (100 pmol per uL)
- superscriptII, 150 pmol primer, 5 ug RNA, 42C. (20 uL): G2-G4
- superscriptIII, 150 pmol primer, 5 ug RNA, 55C. (20 uL): G2-G4
- 1/4 superscriptIII, 150 pmol primer, 5 ug RNA, 55C. (20 uL): G2-G4
- superscriptIII, 450 pmol primer, 10 ug RNA, 55C (20 uL): G2-G6 + G8
Master mixes and protocol.
- 18 reactions
- buffer mix: 4 uL FS buffer, 2 uL .1M DTT, 1 uL RNasin
- 19x buffer master
- 76 uL FS buffer
- 38 uL .1M DTT
- 19 uL RNasin
- 150 pmol primer, 5 ug RNA = 1 uL dNTPs + 1.5 uL common-P1 + 5uL ddH2O + 5.5 uL RNA template.
- 13x dNTP / primer master for 150 pmol primer, 5 ug RNA
- 13 uL dNTPs
- 19.5uL common-P1
- 52 uL ddH2O
- For the 12 (150 pmol + 5ug): Add 7 uL dNTP-primer to 5.5 uL of each RNA template.
- 7x dNTP / primer master for 450 pmol primer, 10 ug RNA
- 7 uL dNTPs
- 1.5 uL of 1000 uM primer
- For the 6 (450 pmol + 10 ug): Add 1.2 uL of this master to 10.5 uL of each RNA template
- Heat Nucleotide/primer/RNA mixes at 65C 5 min. Chill on ice.
- to 4 + 6 full strength SSIII reactions, add 10 uL SSIII enzyme to 70 uL of buffer. Add 8 uL per reaction
- to the 4 quarter strength SSIII reactions, add 1 uL of SSIII enzyme to 30 uL of buffer. Add 7.25 uL per reaction
- Heat all SSIII reactions at 55C for 1.5 hours, then 70C then 4C hold.
- Add 7 uL buffer mix to each of the 4 SSII samples
- heat at 55C for 2 min
- Add 1 uL SSII enzyme per reaction for the 4 SSII samples.
- Heat SSII reaction at 42C for 1.5 hours, then 70C then 4C hold.
superscriptII reactions (G2-G4)
- buffer mix: 4 uL FS buffer, 2 uL .1M DTT, 1 uL RNasin
- 5x buffer master
- 20 uL FS buffer
- 10 uL .1M DTT
- 5 uL RNasin
- 1 uL dNTPs + 1.5 uL common-P1 + 5 uL RNA template.
- dNTP / primer master
- 5 uL dNTPs
- 7.5uL common-P1
- 5.5 uL ddH2O
- Add 7.5uL dNTP-primer to 5 uL of each RNA template.
- Heat at 65C 5 min
- Add 7 uL buffer mix.
- heat to 42C 2 min
- Add 1 uL enzyme per reaction
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