11:00a – 11:30p
Data compression (~11a-12p)
- troubleshooting beaddax averaging
- added some safety checks.
- System now checks to see if detected files for deletion contain the downsampled
tag. If they do they won’t be deleted. - System also checks if 561 target file to be deleted has a corresponding
tagged downsampled file before deleting. - Added a try catch continue to bead-averaging. Rare movies give daxread errors for reasons I don’t yet understand. We just skip these and go on. The safety checks added above should preserve the original movie.
- System now checks to see if detected files for deletion contain the downsampled
- Code running smoothly, freeing up many TBs of data on ProBox.
Library 3 prep (~12p – 4p)
- OligoArray troubleshooting
- Want to kill BLAST jobs that hang, don’t kill java jobs, these will recover as you kill the BLAST.
- Updated this in the OligoArray batch launcher function
- This pipeline is getting smoother. Probably ready to start moving to its own functions.
- Final checks for Library 3
- anti-sense transcription checks out.
- a few spot-checked probes align to correct targets with less than full 42 bp (e.g. 32). Seems to be a genome seq mismatch or something?
- Ordering Library 3
- Library design looks good, submit as Pending Order to get a PO. Then we send that to Marcelo along with the Fasta
- converted space/tab separated primer data tables (Matlab, why is the default space-delimited instead of tab-delimited? Or LibreOffice at least thinks its just space delimited?)
- fixed small bug in column headings
- Submitted primer plates as IDT wishlist, Email to Alec, and entry on Pending Orders.
Deep Seq Error analysis (~4p – 6p)
- using Jeff’s CIGAR parser
- Overall looks pretty good
- why do deletions increase steadily across the sequence body?
- see post
Cell culture
- passage cells (should restart from stock!)
Analysis of multi-color data (~6p – 11p)
- high background 🙁
- data-sets need organization
- let’s tackle this more tomorrow