Wednesday 06/25/14

9:30 am – 5:00 pm, 9:00 pm – 12:15 am

PH project

  • replotting all histograms — no more collecting all the big stuff into the last bin, this was confusing.
  • made new figure-producing figs (actually just histograms, the images are separate code still).
  • sent updated histograms (8 total) to Ajaz, along with some comments on the fig 2 layout and captions (can we please include more labels on the figures!)

project 2, team meeting

  • My tasks for next week:
    • cluster analysis for formamide titration data
    • cluster analysis of E4 data

Chromatin simulations

  • test polymer simulations with greater spacing (10 nm between molecules)
  • it looks like these all relax to 1, nI thought the nodes were supposed to be 10nm.
  • This is probably another good question for the authors if they ever write back.

Hacking an attractive force.

  • lets just build a quadratic or quartic well
  • outside the well we have the energy as 1 kT here. I have since changed it to zero.
  • This finally appears to be working with the code that Bogdan started ( see image below).
    • there’s this weird dip at the beginning, which could be due to the added stiffness of my polymer, it takes a while before the nodes can start interacting, but I’m not sure that’s it. Should probably investigate this more.
    • But for molecules of length 100+ we are closer to the expected 1/3rd scaling exponent.
  • My hacked version of a free polymer using openmmlib seems to ignore my force though. Maybe its a distance issue. Still has a 0.6 free polymer type scaling.



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