9:45 A — 10:00 P
- Transfer embryos into 30% resin
- Group meeting / BPS practice talks
- Transfer embryos into 50% resin
- New collection cages: 4x snail, yw, and MP09s.
- embryos into 70% resin. 3 hrs, then 100% resin.
- images uploaded and sent to Cell
- Started new protein stains (H3 double / quadriple controls, Rad21 test). (see records)
- clean and coat large coverslips — do not balance in small ceramic holders without assistance (with KE).
- Developed wire support for subbing large coverslips.
- PcG hox/en samples in 70C oven, 9P.
- Set up ~15 single fly rescue crosses for MP12 rescues.
- Trying to align more previous STORM data to 3D.