11:00A – 7:00 P
- Overnight run of Psc H3K27 aborted after ~23 sections (235 Gb) .
- Moving files from Alistair2 (G:\) to Alistair3 (K:\) to mobilize Alistair2 for data collection tonight.
- Can copy files over local intranet quickly from G drive but not D drive on Zidane.
- Getting chromatic correction via bead slides to work.
- check with Josh and Yari about Git code sharing.
- Initialized local git repo for General_STORM\Code
- Analysis of high threshold H2 data.
- Goal: share an external hard-drive from Zidane, have Tuck connect to hard-drive through ethernet, poll hard-drive for existence of data files (as they are written) and start analysis as data appears.
- 1 hour with shaking seems to dissolved a bit of the sections for Hb hb(y) and Psc K27me3.
- working on Fly Meeting presentation.
- working on chromatic alignment of S2 images.
- STORM2 alignment off. Can not image.