Sunday 04/29/2012

4:00 P -9:30 P

  • STORM analysis of Pc-GFP: Insight froze on 647 channel at ~1.5 million molecules : error program tried to terminate incorrectly.
  • min height on all parameter files somehow got stuck at 750 levels (30).  Reset manually.  stem files for calibration don’t have this error, not sure how it is getting introduced, need to reinvestigate code–might be always choosing default minimum.  Should use fixed settings.  Looks like the correct z-cal values are extrapolated from the data in the parameter configuration files.
  • Analysis seems to run in double batch size.  However each InsightM version is not taking a full CPU batch size 5 has 10 insightM running at only 30-40% CPU on Monet.
  • started rinsing out antibody test stains.
  • Colonies look good, except Fab8 is a bit low — most colonies on Fab8 are blue, but we’ll try the few white ones and see.
  • Finish stain to test all secondaries for extra dots
  • continue Pc Su(Z)12 K27 triple
  • O/N STORM of Pc-750, K27-647
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