Thursday 05/03/12

8:30 A – 8:45P, 10:00P – 11:30P

  • cryo-sectioning: cut 7 slides — embryos mostly around edge.  Need larger cutting surface for good sections.
  • finish STORM run, shoot beads
  • collect virgin Gal4-Bcd3’UTR
  • in situs day 3
  • fixed issue in list2tif_color_drift_correct: wasn’t saving subsections in z correctly.
  • writing script to identify stray antibodies as single molecules and determine single molecule intensity and resolution.  Aim to use this to help ID clusters of TFs vs. individual binding events
  • photon counts are low, not sure why
  • mistakenly synthesized sense strand for Taf and Tub, remake tomorrow.
  • en has extremely high background, inv has moderately high background, rest look great, new probes much stronger than old probes for hox clusters.  Tou and E(Pc) both look like they’ll stay around.
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