10:20 A
- New fly cages of Pc-GFP and yw. Pc-GFP not growing well, should have ~10 bottles/cage. 4 would be sufficient for yw cage.
- Crossed virgin 3x mat Gal4 x Pc-shRNA2 in vial test viability.
- new bottle of 3x mat Gal4.
- 2 bottles of 3x mat Gal4 ready for virgin collection, now at RT in fly room.
- Need to add water to 3x mat Gal4.
- Final revisions to kinetics paper / letter for NSMB
- Submitting kinetics paper to NSMB
- Etch yw coverslip – staining with Hoechst to test DNA.
- attempting on-coverslip-staining and hybridization with centromeric probes.
- Sectioning: K27-cntrls.
- Sectioning: centromere-FISH controls. Check by Turnkey — DNA FISH signal survives embedding. Not especially common among nuclear sections.
- water not sticking to edge of knife. Great difficulty sectioning centrome-DNA-FISH samples.
- Running analysis of MP06 data (with revised version of dot counting code from final revision of snail levels study): for use in bistability paper.
- In situs day 2:
- [spreadsheet 0AjSqkxgziU1YdG90a29UaU5ua1FLUXZ5LTFmM1pMSlE 602 302 sheet=8]
- Attempting to analyze H3K27me3 data in ESC mutants (from Vivek’s paper) with Galaxy.