11:15a – 2:30p, 6:00p – 11:45p
- test installation: created new ZhuangLab account
- Install for Guipeng.
- DaoSTORM objects to spaces in pathname.
- adding double quotes ” does not fix.
library Prep
- New function (in Genomics Functions toolbox)
function Seq = GetLocusSenseSeq(locusname)
% Returns the Drosophila Melanogaster genome sequence for the specified
% location (i.e. ‘chr2L:455203-465638’), with the sequence flipped to the
% whichever strand is coding (i.e. complement sequence is returned
% where-ever a minus strand transcript occurs).
Probe Making
- 3 uL new 1:20 dilution of library +
- Set up PCRs (same samples as last time)
- run test-gel
prepping cells for staining
- (fixed yesterday)
- ~20 min NaBr treatment during PCR prep.
- cells brought through STORM prep all the way to formamide
Cell staining
- D12-P1 (5uL) + D12-P3 (5uL) + .6uL S1-A647 + .6uL S3-cy7
- G1-P1 (5uL) + G2-P3 (5uL) + .6uL S1-A647 + .6uL S3-cy7
- staining last pair of 12/4 cells
- at 47C ~11p
STORM analysis
- Running chromatic bead analysis for E11, F08, D07, E02, F12
- Running DaoSTORM fitting on E02 and F12
- Running insightM bead fitting on E02 and F12
- Copying E03 data to ProBox6