9:30a – 11:00p
- reschedule Dentist
- try 2, Cajal windows upgrade
- Need to finish review / referee paper
- Set up STORM imaging of E3
- Test new hybes
- Finish writeup #2 draft for XZ. sent back to team for comments
- Start writeup #3 for XZ.
- Meet with Steven to integrate writeup #3
Probe Making
- qPCR of E5-E12 + F1-F8
- picked off samples at 2500 – 3000 RPU
- ran on old gel. Should re-run on fresh gel.
- Attempting column cleanup using 96-well plates and multi-channel pippettors
- this is definetely less hands on.
- and I think per column its cheaper. And spatially smaller
- spinning at 3000 x g, with open lid columns.
- TROUBLING: eluted with 12 uL ddH2O, recovered less than 5 uL.
- setting up in vitro reactions with quick mix.
Cell Staining
- observed that even without water in the bottom of the box the rubber cement still appears lose and hydrated after O/N stain.
- Maybe next try keeping lid open / putting slides into oven straight, no box.
- Maybe skip rubber cement completely? or try a mock without cells, just a coverslip and hybe soln (no probe)?
- completed hot washes for stains made last night.
- imaging E03 sample
- ran out of time, did not set up new multi-color sample. Will test tomorrow
Cajal Upgrade
- went through new version of install.
- configured session-based remote desktop log in first. This didn’t seem to work.
- configured virtual host based remote desktop. This seems to give the behavior I want.
- have to add domain users to permissions setting to allow local log in.
- installed git-scm under Administrator
- don’t get Git GUI / Git Bash menus in my personal user account.
- probably should have added desktop icons, can’t find git-gui.
- maybe just uninstall and reinstall git tomorrow.
Computer Stuff
- more useful wmic
wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory
– return the available RAMwmic cpu get loadpercentage
– determine total cpu load percentage